2000: Ph.D., Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies, University of Connecticut
1997: M.A., Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies, University of Connecticut
1991: Licenciatura en Filología Inglesa, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain
2008-present Associate Professor of Spanish, Michigan State University,
East Lansing, MI
Fall 2005 Visiting Researcher at the Instituto de Estudios Regionales (INER),
Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia
Spring 2005 Visiting Researcher at the Centro de Investigación Sobre
América del Norte (CISAN), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM),
Centro Universitario, Mexico City
2002-2008 Assistant Professor of Spanish, Michigan State University,
East Lansing, MI
1999-2002 Assistant Professor of Spanish, College of the Holy Cross,
Worcester, MA
I am an Associate Professor of Latin American, Global (GSAH) and Chicano/Latino Studies (CLS) at Michigan State University. I am the author of The Cultural “Other” in Nineteenth-Century Travel Narratives: How the United States and Latin America Described Each Other (Edwin Mellen Press, 2008). My research focuses on travel literature, Latin American and North American literatures and cultures. I also co-edited Politics, Identity, and Mobility in Travel Writing (Routledge 2016). I have also edited a special volume of Latin American Perspectives entitled Imagined Narcoscapes: Narcoculture and the Politics of Representation (March 2014). I have also published several articles and delivered many presentations on the War on Drugs and different aspects of narcoculture. His emphasis in this topic is Mexico, Colombia and United States (including narcocorridos, narcoseries, film, and literature that represent the narco. Besides his publications in peer-review journal articles on this topic, he was one of the experts analyzing the history of narcoviolence in the book published in Italy entitled, Narcos del Norte (2017).
In 2008-2009, I was Co-Director of Peace and Justice Studies at MSU and I am currently Associate Chair in the department of Romance and Classical Studies at MSU. My current monographic project has a special emphasis in Latin/o American popular culture (film, telenovelas, music) and deals with the War on Drugs and urban violence.